Chua Mia Tee's Selected Media References
National Arts Council (NAC) | Cultural Medallion
Esplanade: Theatres on the Bay | Off-stage
National Library Board | Infopedia: NLB e-Resource
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) | Profile of Artist
National Heritage Board | Roots (Works by Chua Mia Tee)
National Heritage Board | (National Language Class; Portable Cinema)
MoneyFM 89.3 | 22 July 2020
ST Lifestyle Picks: Rare Peek at Well-known Collectors’ private Collections.
A Quest For Unity In 1960s Singapore | A Frame In Time (National Language Class)
Khoo, Eric (Dir). “Chua Mia Tee” [5:00 mins] in omnibus Art Through our Eyes and screened in Painting with Light: International Festival of Films on Art, Singapore: National Gallery Singapore, 2017.
National Arts Council.
“2015 Cultural Medallion Recipient Chua Mia Tee”
YouTube [2:29 mins], 21 August 2016.
TODAY online (Mayo, M., Nadarajan, R., Wong, D.)
“From Studio to National Gallery Singapore”
YouTube [5:36 mins], 23 November 2015.
National Gallery Singapore
“My Masterpiece: Edwin Thumboo on National Language Class”
YouTube [1:00 min], 10 March 2015.
National Gallery Singapore
“My Masterpiece: Joanne Peh on Epic Poem of Malaya”
YouTube [1:00 min], 30 January 2015.
TributeSG, Esplanade: Theatres on the Bay. “TributeSG: Chua Mia Tee”
YouTube [4:07 mins], 12 October 2012.
Oral History Interview Recordings, Interview with Chua Mia Tee (by Yap, W.C.),
Reels 1- 4 [1:41:36], Visual Arts Accession No.001901, Oral History Centre, National Archives, 6 June 1997.
Ngo, G, Tan, R., Sheares, C. “Chua Mia Tee” [15:00 mins], Singapore: National Museum & Ministry of Community Development, 1988.
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation. “ARTIVITY (featuring Chua Mia Tee)” c.1981/1982.
Radio Television Singapore. “Art as a Career (with Chua Mia Tee, Wee Beng Chong, Leng Joon Wong)”, Singapore: Channel 8, first aired 27 February 1979.
(A more extensive list of articles from 1951 to 2017 are set out in the book publication The Art of Chua Mia Tee: A Portrait of a Life’s Work).
Goh, Weets. “Rare Nudes by Singapore Artists on Show”, The Peak, 22 Jan 2021
Ho, Olivia., Key Collection of Cultural Medallion artist Chua Mia Tee's Works, The Straits Times, Life section, 23 June 2018.
Rifyal Giffari, “STOP10 Oct 2017 Chua Mia Tee by Eric Khoo and other Works in Art Through Our Eyes”, Sindie, 30 September 2017.
黄向京《中正人湖畔美展:70余校友参展》联合早报,2017年 9月14日。[Huang, Xiang Jing. “Chung Cheng Lakeside Art Exhibition: More than 70 Alumni-Exhibitors”, Lianhe Zaobao, 14 September 2017].
刘玮琳《国庆大彩彩票反黄画作当主照被批讽刺》新明日报, 2017年7月8日。[Liu, Wei Lin. “National Day Singapore Sweep ticket feature ‘Anti-Yellow’ painting criticized as ironic”, Shin Min Daily News, 8 July 2017]. 胡文雁。
《走进袖海楼》,早报报志艺术,2016年6月,第44-47 页。[Woo Mun Ngan, “Stepping Inside Xiu Hai Lou”, ZBBZ Art Issue, June 2016, p. 44-47]. Ratty, K. & Lee, J. (eds.), “10 Questions: History on Canvas”, in SINGAPORE, Singapore International Foundation, Issue 1, 2016. 周雁冰。
《自己的故事说得好不好》联合早报,2016年3月22日, 第7页。[Chow, Yian Ping. “Is our story well-told?”, Lianhe Zaobao, 22 March 2016, p.7]. 陈翊。
Barnard, Imelda. “The Singapore Museum Re-drawing the Map of Southeast Asian Art”, Apollo (International Art Magazine), 19 March 2016.
《迟来的荣誉,不改的初心》,潮州日报,2016年1月 31日。[Chen Yi. “An Honour overdue, an Unwavering Aspiration”, Chaozhou Daily, 31 January 2016].
“Cultural Medallion recipient Chua Mia Tee’s Art Vision”, ICON Singapore, 23 January 2016.
Takamori, Nobuo. “The Aesthetics of Identities and the Difficulties of Histories: The Contemporary Chinese Southeast Asian Art”, Seismopolite Journal of Art and Politics, Issue 13, 29 December 2015. 周雁冰。
《文化奖画家背后的女画家》联合早报,2015年12月 29日,第7页。[Chow, Yian Ping. “The Female Artist behind Cultural Medallion Recipient”, Lianhe Zaobao, 29 December 2015, p.7]. 林子恒。
《李总理:让国家美术馆成为新加坡骄傲》,联合早报, 2015年11月24日。[Lim, Zi Heng. “Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: Let the National Gallery be the Pride of Singapore”, Lianhe Zaobao, 24 November 2015].
Martin, Mayo. “A Painting’s Journey: How Chua Mia Tee’s Artwork went from Canvas to the National Gallery Singapore”, TODAY, 24 November 2015, p.32, 33.
《美术馆“掉出”巨画》,联合早报,2015年11月20日。 [“Giant painting “tumbles out” of the National Gallery Singapore”, Lianhe Zaobao, 20 Nov 2015].
韩山元《由蔡名智得文华奖想到的》联合早报,2015年10月 29日,第6页。[Han Shan Yuan. “Musings on Chua Mia Tee receiving Singapore’s Cultural Medallion Award”, Lianhe Zaobao, 29 October 2015, p.6].
周雁冰。《Uncle艺术家们》我报,2015年10月25日。[Chow, Yian Ping. “‘Uncle’ Artists”, My Paper, 25 October 2015].
Huang, Lijie, “Creating Beautiful Yet Realistic Paintings”, The Straits Times, 17 October 2015.
Martin, Mayo. “Singapore Art Awards: The Painter, the Toy Pianist and the Twins”, TODAY, 17 October 2015.
Helmi, Yusof., “Four Artists Awarded Cultural Medallion”, The Business Times Weekend, 17-18 October 2015, p.31.
郭倩婷《四人获颁新加坡文化奖》联合晚报,2015年10月 17日。[Kwok, Sin Ting. “Four Recipients of the Singapore Cultural Medallion Award”, Lianhe Wanbao, 17 October 2015].
陈宇昕《点亮文化开创艺术,四人获颁新加坡文化奖》联合早报,2015年10月17日。[Chen Yu Xin. “Illuminating Culture, Creating art, Four recipients of Singapore’s Cultural Medallion”, Lianhe Zaobao, 17 October 2015].
陈宇昕,周雁冰,邓华贵。《访2015新加坡文化奖4得主向辛勤的文 化播种人致敬》,联合早报,2015年10月17日,第6页。(Chen, Yu Xin, Chow, Yian Ping, Deng, Hua Gui. “Interview with 2015 Singapore Cultural Medallion Recipients: Saluting those who sow the seeds of Cultural Heritage”, Lianhe Zaobao, 17 October 2015, p.6).
Lee, Jian Xuan, “Four Awarded Cultural Medallion”, The Straits Times, 17 October 2015, p. A1.
Loh, Genevieve S. “11 Artists Honoured with Cultural Medallion and Young Artist Awards”, TODAY, 16 October 2015. 何家良《迟来的荣耀》联合早报,2015年10月20日。 [Ho, Kah Leong. “An Honour Long Overdue”, Lianhe Zaobao, 15 October 2015].
Cai, Heng, “Masterpieces from the Gallery: National Language Class by Chua Mia Tee”, The Straits Times, 13 October 2015.
Lin, Melissa. “Mr. Lee features on SG50 Gold Note”, The Straits Times, 19 August 2015, p. A3. Yeo, Marissa. “Special SG50 commemorative notes Launched”, Today, 19 August 2015, p.26.
韩山元。《才气与傲气》联合早报, 2015年7月9日,第4页。 [Han, Tan Juan. “Genius and Arrogance”, Lianhe Zaobao, 9 July 2015, p.4].
《蔡名智:写实纪录历史》早报报志68期,2015年5月,第34页。 [“Chua Mia Tee: Documenting History”, ZBBZ, Issue 68, May 2015, p.34.]
韩山元。《从南洋风到新谣》,联合早报,四方八面,2014年 8月28日。[Han, Tan Juan. “From Nanyang Style to Xinyao”, Lianhe Zaobao, 28 August 2014].
周雁冰。《新加坡五大名家画展用画笔追踪城市变换景观》, 联合早报,2014年7月19日,第5页。
Chow, Yian Ping. “Exhibition by five famous Singapore artists: Tracing the changing cityscape with brushstrokes”, Lianhe Zaobao, 19 July 2014, p.5.
Martin, Mayo. “From Canvas to Stage: Five Singapore Productions inspired by Paintings (and Artists)”, TODAY, 28 June 2014.
Leong, Weng Kam. “A Brush with the Equator:40 Years On”, The Straits Times, 18 August 2013, p.44.
Helmi Yusof. “S’pore’s Most Valuable Artworks”, The Business Times, 12 July 2013, p.30
Teo, Han Wue. “When Chinese Learnt Malay with Verve”, The Sunday Times, 29 July 2012, p.45.
Huang Lijie. “True to Life” & “Painter of Presidents & Koi”, The Straits Times 25 June 2012, p.C6